Jeudi, 28 novembre 2019

Le laboratoire TBS “Social & Innovation Marketing” crée et diffuse des contributions orginales et innovantes dans l’intérêt des consommateurs, des entreprises, des communautés et de la société.

Découvrez les dernières recherches en Marketing Social & de l’Innovation

Notre premier workshop offre l’opportunité unique de découvrir les dernières recherches de chercheurs remarquables dans le domaine du Social & Innovation Marketing:

Barbara Briers (Vlerick Business School)


Intergenerational Effects of the Unhealthy = Taste Intuition: An Exploration of Food Beliefs, Parenting Practices, and Outcomes


Childhood obesity is a major problem worldwide and a key contributor to adult obesity. This research explores parents’ lay beliefs and food practices, and their long-term, inter-generational, effects on their children’s physiology and belief development. Across a series of surveys, we first show, longitudinally and across six countries, that adults who believe that tasty food is unhealthy (the Unhealthy = Tasty Intuition, or “UTI”; Raghunathan, Naylor and Hoyer 2006) are less likely to consume healthy food, and thereby have higher body mass index (“BMI”). Next, we demonstrate that parents with stronger UTI beliefs are more likely to use extrinsic rewards to encourage their children to eat healthfully. However, this strategy backfires, as providing extrinsic rewards ironically reduces children’s healthy food consumption, which in turn leads to an increase in their BMI. Finally, besides the effect of parents’ UTI on children’s BMI through parenting practices, we also show the direct link between parent’s UTI and the development of children’s own UTI with age. Implications for public policy and health practitioners are discussed.

About Barbara Briers

Barbara obtained her PhD in Marketing from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at the University of Leuven. From 2006 until 2009 she was an Assistant Professor at HEC Paris, France. She joined the Marketing Department of Tilburg University in 2009, where she became Associate Professor in 2014. Today, she is Associate Professor of Marketing at Vlerick Business School where she teaches Quantitative Research Methods, Market Research, Marketing Management, and Consumer Behavior in the Master’s Programs, Executive MBA and Doctorate in Business Administration.  Barbara’ s research focuses on social marketing, persuasion and influence, food consumption, and wealth inequality. Overall, Barbara’s work can be qualified as highly interdisciplinary. Not only does she combine theories and insights from (social) psychology and economics, she also attempts to apply and extend theories from communication sciences, biology, evolutionary psychology, sociology, and political science. Her work has been published, among others, in the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Consumer Research, and Psychological Science.

Shashi Matta (Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt) 


The Person Brand Effect and the Role of Product Innovation: Consumers’ Stereotypes Influence Evaluations of Persons and Their Products


A series of field and laboratory experiments found that consumers’ stereotypes influence perceptions of a person who creates a product (i.e., a person brand) as well as post-trial

evaluations of the product. Consistent with schema congruity theory, consumers evaluated a product created by a person who was counter stereotypical on one dimension (e.g., gender but not ethnicity) more positively than the stereotypical creator’s product. Consumers’ cognitive resources during trial are a boundary condition on improved evaluations of a unidimensional deviate’s product. In contrast, consumers evaluated a product created by a person who was counter stereotypical on two dimensions (e.g., gender and ethnicity) most negatively. Product innovation moderated these effects such that an innovative product created by a bidimensional deviate was evaluated similar to that of the stereotypical creator’s product. These findings have implications for branding, product innovation, schema congruity theory and stereotyping

About Shashi Matta

Shashi Matta is Professor and Chair of Innovation and Creativity at WFI Ingolstadt School of Management at the Catholic University of Eichstätt Ingolstadt (KU). He is a Founding Director of the KU Research Institute for Business and Economics in Service of Humanity (BESH), and also serves as Strategic Advisor for University Enrollments and Advancement at KU. Professor Matta joined KU in June 2018. His prior academic career includes positions as the Faculty Director of MBA Programs, and Professor of Marketing, at The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business in Columbus, Ohio, USA. Professor Matta is an award-winning researcher, teacher and mentor, and is dedicated to building strong bridges between academia, industry, and community. He engages extensively with industry through consulting, coaching, and keynote speaking engagements at several companies internationally in the areas of growth strategies, creativity & innovation, marketing strategy, branding & positioning, marketing metrics, return-on-investment, and customer experience. He has served as an expert in these subject areas, for media stories nationally in the U.S.   

Professor Matta’s industry experience, prior to academia, includes positions in brand management, advertising, and marketing operations. He has taught at all levels, including in MBA programs, Masters programs, Bachelors programs, and Executive Education programs, and has won multiple teaching awards internationally.

Professor Matta’s research is in the areas of consumer behavior, innovation, branding, and creativity. His research has been published in top ranked academic journals including the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Review of Marketing Research, and, Emotion.

Professor Matta has experience serving on the board of directors of for-profit and non-profit organizations, and has been commissioned as an expert witness in legal cases involving brand confusion and consumer behavior.

Tobias Otterbring (Aarhus University)


Beauty is in the Eye of the Beer Holder but Barely Because of the Beer


In a series of studies, including a field study at a beer bar, we examine the link between bar patrons’ self-rated attractiveness and the time at which they respond to such an evaluative judgment. Moreover, we investigate whether patrons’ relationship status and gender may moderate this potential relationship, and whether self-reported alcohol intoxication and the number of beers consumed will play a role in such an assumed association. Amusing results are promised. The current work highlights the concept of time in forming consumers’ evaluative judgments and contributes to the growing body of transformative consumer research, focused on various wellbeing-related outcomes.

About Tobias Otterbring

Tobias Otterbring is Associate Professor of Marketing at Aarhus University.  His research focuses on nonverbal and bodily cues (e.g., smiling, height, weight, physical appearance, interpersonal touch) and their impact on consumers’ purchase and choice behavior. Tobias’ work has been featured in outlets such as Journal of Marketing Research, Harvard Business Review, Psychology & Marketing, and Journal of Business Research. Tobias has won prizes for his way of communicating research to society at large and he has received several academic awards from organizations such as the American Marketing Association (AMA), the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), and the Human Behavior and Evolution Society (HBES).   

Martin Schreier (Institute of Marketing-Management der WU Wien)


Customer Empowerment in New Product Development


Customers are increasingly empowered by firms to play a more active role in the new product development process. Such involvement strategies comprise mass customization and crowdsourcing techniques. In this talk, I will review related research I have been doing over the last 15 years from an innovation management, marketing, and consumer behavior perspective. I will then discuss some ongoing projects in that space.

About Martin Schreier

Martin Schreier is Pro­fessor of Mar­ket­ing and head of the De­part­ment of Mar­ket­ing, WU Vi­enna. His re­search in­terests are anchored in core top­ics of mar­ket­ing, in­clud­ing pro­duct and brand man­age­ment, cre­ativ­ity and new pro­duct devel­op­ment, and con­sumer be­ha­vior. His re­cent re­search re­volves around in­nov­at­ive forms of cus­tomer­-brand in­ter­ac­tions along the entire value chain, fa­cil­it­ated by new tech­no­lo­gies. His work has been pub­lished in aca­demic journ­als such as the Journal of Mar­ket­ing, the Journal of Mar­ket­ing Re­search, or Man­age­ment Science and fea­tured in in­ter­na­tional me­dia out­lets such as the Har­vard Busi­ness Re­view. His re­search has also been awar­ded with several prizes, in­clud­ing, for example, the 2012 Tho­mas P. Hustad Best Pa­per Award by the Journal of Pro­duct In­nov­a­tion Man­age­ment (JPIM). He cur­rently serves as an As­so­ci­ate Ed­itor at the Journal of Mar­ket­ing. He is also an Area Ed­itor at the In­ter­na­tional Journal of Re­search in Mar­ket­ing and is a mem­ber of the Ed­it­or­ial Re­view Board of the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Pro­duct In­nov­a­tion Man­age­ment, and the Journal of Mar­ket­ing Be­ha­vior.

Bram Van den Bergh (Erasmus University)


The appeal of upcycled products: the role of perceived creativity.


Upcycled products are the result of the transformation of old, used or unwanted products into other products. In this paper, we examine why consumers find upcycled products appealing. Although sustainability could be a major benefit that consumers seek when purchasing upcycled products, in a series of lab and field studies we identify creativity as an important alternative mechanism that boosts upcycled products´ appeal. Specifically, the more the function of the old product differs from the function of the upcycled product, the more consumers perceive the upcycled product as creative and in turn appealing. The results offer useful practical insights to marketers to enhance the appeal of the growing and unexplored market of upcycled products, which would favor the reduction of waste and promote a more sustainable consumption.

About Bram Van den Bergh

Bram Van den Bergh studies how we make decisions. Using frameworks borrowed from psychology, economics, and biology, he attempts to uncover the fundamental drivers of our behavior. Dr. Van den Bergh obtained his Phd at KULeuven (Belgium) and joined Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University in 2009.

L’objectif est de mieux comprendre les réactions des consommateurs face au marketing social et aux innovations afin de lancer la conversation et de délimiter les recherches futures dans ces deux domaines.  

Les présentations par affiche sont oster presentations are welcome!

Les étudiants en doctorat et postdoctorat peuvent présenter des affiches lors de l’évènement.

Sujets (non-exhaustifs)

  • Marketing Social & Durable: Green Marketing, Marketing Alimentaire, Consommation Ethique, RSE
  • Innovation & Intelligence Artificielle: Diffusion des Innovations, Innovations pour l’Utilisateur, l’Adoption des Robots, les Implications sociales de l’Intelligence Artificielle.

Date limite pour la soumission des affiches: le 31 octobre 2019. Si vous désirez soumettre une affiche, merci d’envoyer un résumé de 300 mots à l’adresse suivante:

Programme provisoire

Le 28 novembre – Matin

  • Barbara Briers (Vlerick Business School)
  • Tobias Otterbring (Aarhus University)


  • Bram Van den Bergh (Erasmus University)


Le 28 novembre – Après-midi

  • Martin Schreier (Institute of Marketing-Management der WU Vienne)
  • Shashi Matta (Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)


  • Présentations éclair Social & Innovation Marketing: Camilla Barbarossa, Sylvie Borau, Yanyan Chen, Leila Elgaaied-Gambier, Linda Hamdi-Kidar, Timo Mandler (TBS)
  • (APERITIF &) AFFICHES – Doctorants & Postdoctorants



Le workshop SIM aura lieu dans le Bâtiment Lascrosses du Campus Compans Caffarelli de TBS


Ci-dessous vous trouverez 2 suggestions d’hôtels qui sont situés à 5 minutes à pied du workshop TBS

Novotel Toulouse Centre****

5 Place Alphonse Jourdain
Tél : 33 (0)5 61 21 74 74
Prix spécial TBS: 114,42 € – Petit-déjeuner buffet compris.
Règlement: chaque hôte paie individuellement, en espèces ou par carte bancaire.

Hôtel de Brienne ****

20 Bd Maréchal Leclerc
Tel : 33 (0)5 61 23 60 60
Prix spécial TBS: 116,42 € – Petit-déjeuner buffet compris.
Merci d’indiquer la référence 2603 (Groupe TBS).
Règlement: chaque hôte paie individuellement, en espèces ou par carte bancaire.


Prix du Workshop: 50€ pour la journée / 95€ pour la journée et le dîner

Paiement à réception de facture, par virement bancaire (ou – pour les citoyens français seulement- par chèque à l’ordre de Toulouse Business School)

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