Département : Stratégie, Entrepreneuriat & Innovation
BARRON, A. - "Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches : Exploring the international dimensions of corporate political activity" - 2018, Université Jean Moulin Lyon
BARRON, A. - "Thèse : "The effects of culture on the production of information and communication technologies in France and Germany"" - 2007
BARRON, A., P. COULOMBEL, "Open up! An appeal for dialog between scholars of corporate political activity and open strategy", Strategic Organization, 2024 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]
BARRON, A., "Opening up corporate political strategizing – An institutional work approach", Long Range Planning, 2023, vol. 56, no. 3 [fnege: 2, abs: 3]
COULOMBEL, P., A. BARRON, "Continuity and Change in Spin-off Meta-organizations: An Imprinting Perspective", M@na@gement, 2023 [fnege: 2, abs: 1]
BARRON, A., L. SKOUNTRIDAKI, "Toward a Professions-Based Understanding of Ethical and Responsible Lobbying", Business and Society, 2022, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 340-371 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
BARRON, A., S. STACEY, "Corporations in the political arena: an ethical framework", Journal of Business Strategy, 2021, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 116-125 [cnrs: 4, fnege: 4, abs: 1]
BARRON, A., M. BOUTARY, "The Brexit dilemma for small business: European companies respond", Journal of Business Strategy, 2021, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 196-205 [cnrs: 4, fnege: 4, abs: 1]
BARRON, A., V. VANYUSHYN, "Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth? Organising Boundary‐Spanning Government Affairs Units during Times of Crisis", European Management Review, 2021, vol. 18, Issue 1, pp. 101-114 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
BARRON, A., A. PEREDA, "Exploring how firms’ strategic political actions are organised to capture and share external information – The case of Alpha Plc", Long Range Planning, 2020, vol. 53, no. 5 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
PEREDA, A., A. BARRON, "How to win friends and influence the right people: designing the corporate government affairs unit", Journal of Business Strategy, 2020, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 27-37 [cnrs: 4, fnege: 4, abs: 1]
BARRON, A., A. PEREDA, S. STACEY, "Exploring the performance of government affairs subsidiaries: A study of organisation design and the social capital of European government affairs managers at Toyota Motor Europe and Hyundai Motor Company in Brussels", Journal of World Business, 2017, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 184-196 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 4]
BARRON, A., J.-M. TROUILLE, "Perceptions of institutional complexity and lobbyists' decisions to join lobbying coalitions – Evidence from the European Union context", Environment & Planning C - Government and Policy, Février 2016, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 73-90
BARRON, A., P. HULTEN, V. VANYUSHYN, "The Role of Political Intelligence in Firms’ Export Decisions During the Euro Crisis", Journal of Small Business Management, Février 2016, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 1126-1146 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
BARRON, A., G. VOSS, "La culture et son impact sur les actions politiques des entreprises. Le cas du Règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD)", Revue Française de Gestion, Novembre 2015, vol. 41, no. 252, pp. 109-127 [cnrs: 4, fnege: 3]
BARRON, A., P. HULTEN, V. VANYUSHYN, "Country-of-origin effects on managers' environmental scanning behaviours: evidence from the political crisis in the Eurozone", Environment and Planning (A), Janvier 2015, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 601-619 [cnrs: 2]
BARRON, A., P. HULTEN, "Exploring corporate lobbyists' perceptions of prospective coalition partners in Brussels", Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, Octobre 2014, vol. 32, pp. 963-981
BARRON, A., "Exploring the actions of Government Affairs Managers during economic and financial crises - an exploratory study in the European Union", Journal of Public Affairs, Février 2013, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 61-71
BARRON, A., P. HULTEN, S. HUDSON, "The financial crisis and the gathering of political intelligence: a cross-country comparison of SMEs in France, Sweden and the UK", International Small Business Journal, Juin 2012, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 345-366 [cnrs: 3, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
BARRON, A., P. HULTEN, "Corporate political strategizing in the European Union during the 2007-2010 recession - an exploratory study", Environment & Planning C - Government and Policy, Octobre 2011, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 783-801
BARRON, A., P. HULTEN, D. BRYSON, "Cross-country differences in attitudes to business associations during the 2007-2010 recession", Journal of World Business, Juin 2011 [cnrs: 3, abs: 3]
BARRON, A., "Exploring national culture's consequences on international business lobbying", Journal of World Business, Juillet 2011, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 320-327 [cnrs: 3, abs: 3]
BARRON, A., "The impact of national business cultures on large firm lobbying in the European Union - evidence from a large-scale survey of governmen affairs managers", Journal of European Integration, Août 2011, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 487-506
BARRON, A., "Unlocking the mindsets of government affairs managers - Cultural dimensions of corporate political activity", Cross-Cultural Management: An International Journal, Avril 2010, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 101-117 [abs: 1]
BARRON, A., "Exploring the dark sides of meta-organizations through the prism of co-optation" dans Conférence EGOS, 04/07/2024, Milan, 2024
BARRON, A., "Exposing the potential ‘dark sides’ of open strategy – evidence from a practice-based study of transparency work in corporate political activity" dans Oxford & Zurich Open Strategy Workshop, juillet, 2024, Zurich
RAMAN, G., A. BARRON, "Professionalizing corporate political activity: An exploration of new professional values amongst lobbying consultants" dans EGOS, juillet, 2024, Milan, Italie
BARRON, A., "Open up! An appeal for dialog between scholars of corporate political activity and open strategy" dans International Association of Business & Society, june, 2023, Bath, UK, Royaume Uni
BARRON, A., G. RAMAN, "The challenges of teaching corporate political activity in an evolving business school environment" dans International Association of Business & Society,june, 2023, Bath, UK, Royaume Uni
BARRON, A., "Exploring the effects of stakeholder orientation on de-internationalization decisions." dans Conférence EIBA, 2023, Lisbonne, Portugal
BARRON, A., "Exploring the effects of stakeholder orientation on de-internationalization decisions." dans Conférence EIBA, 16-18/12/2023,, 2023
BARRON, A., "Mainstreaming corporate political activity in organisational settings: an institutional work approac" dans IABS Conference San Francisco USA, 16-19 juin, 2022
BARRON, A., "Normalising ‘responsible’ approaches to lobbying in corporate contexts" dans IABS Conference San Francisco USA, 16-19 juin, 2022
BARRON, A., P. COULOMBEL, "Exploring the role of individuals in the emergence of cascading meta-organizations in response to the grand challenge of sustainable urban mobility" dans EGOS conference (visio), Hamburg Allemagne, 02-04 juillet, 2020
BARRON, A., P. COULOMBEL, "From ideas to implementation: Exploring the role of individuals in the emergence of cascading meta-organizations in response to sustainability issues" dans IABS Conference (visio), Lisbonne, Portugal, 01 juin, 2020
BARRON, A., "Demystifying a shadowy occupation: exploring how individual Brussels-based lobbyists use professionalism as a discursive resource to build personal reputations with policy-makers and increase their workplace legitimacy." dans Conférence Internationale Association of Business & Society, 20-25 mars, 2019, San Diego
BARRON, A., "Using organisational architecture to promote responsible lobbying" dans Conférence Internationale Association of Business & Society, 20-25 mars, 2019, San Diego
BARRON, A., "Too many cooks spoil the broth? Exploring the information-processing performance of boundary-spanning government affairs subsidiaries in response to Brexit" dans 45th EIBA Annual Conference 2019, What Now? International Business in a Confused World Order, 13 – 15 December 2019, 2019
BARRON, A., A. PEREDA, S. STACEY, "Exploring the performance of government affairs subsidiaries: a study of organisation design and the social capital of European government affairs managers at Toyota Motor Europe and Hyundai Motor Company in Brussels" dans Séminaire Management International IAE Lyon 9 février 2017, 2017
BARRON, A., "Exploring how the government affairs function is organised and the processes through which multinational enterprises source external political knowledge" dans 43ème Conférence EIBA, Milan, 14-16/12/2017, Conference EIBA, 2017
BARRON, A., "Exploring how the government affairs function is organised and the processes through which multinational enterprises source external political knowledge" dans Conférence EIBA, Milan Italie,14-16/12/17, Conference EIBA, 2017
BARRON, A., A. PEREDA, "Exploring the role of social capital in the development of political capabilities in multi-national enterprises" dans Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Berlin, 18/09/2016, 2016, Berlin
BARRON, A., "The Role of Government Affairs Managers’ Social Capital in the Development of MNEs’ Political Capabilities" dans SMS 36th Annual Conference, Berlin, 17–20/06/2016, 2016, Berlin
BARRON, A., "Exploring the role of trust in the foreign-location choices of multinational entreprises" dans Conférence EIASM, Octobre, 2015, Venise, Italie
BARRON, A., S. STACEY, "Putting Down Roots? Exploring The Political Embeddedness Of Toyota And Hyundai In Brussels." dans 42nd AIB-UKI Conference, Manchester, 16-18/04/2015, 2015, Manchester, Royaume Uni
BARRON, A., "Unpacking the role of trust in interpersonal relationships between managers and policy officials" dans 13th EIASM Workshop on International Management, Venice, 24/10/2015, 2015, Venise
BARRON, A., J.-M. TROUILLE, "Representing bilateral interests in the European Union - The case of Franco-German business lobbying" dans Séminaire à l'Université de Bradford, Avril, 2014, Bradford, France
BARRON, A., J.-M. TROUILLE, P. HULTEN, "Exploring the responses of international managers to institutional complexity - the case of corporate political activity in the European Union context" dans Conference EISAM, 2014, Copenhague, Danemark
BARRON, A., "The role of political intelligence in firms' export decisions during the Euro crisis" dans Le Portail de l'IE partenaire du 5ème Symposium Européen d'IE, le 15 novembre 2013 en Belgique, 2013, Louvain-la-neuve, Belgique
BARRON, A., "How narratives of institutional entrepreneurs influence institutional outcomes in supranational policymaking contexts - the case of the European Transparency Initiative" dans SASE, Juin, 2013, Milan, Italie
BARRON, A., L. CURRAN, "Political Corporate Social Responsibility in the European Union Context - The Case of the Transparency Initiative’" dans 25th SASE Annual Conference, University of Milan, 27-29/06/2013, 2013
BARRON, A., "Exploring how MNEs select their partners in international political alliances" dans AIB-UK Annual Conference, Mars, 2012, Liverpool, Royaume Uni
BARRON, A., "Cross-cultural differences in corporate political activity" dans AIB-UK Annual Conference, Avril, 2011, Edinburgh
BARRON, A., "Small business lobbying during the financial crisis" dans EURAM, Juin, 2011, Tallinn, Estonie
ARTE, P., A. BARRON, "Early Internationalisation of New and Small Indian Firms: An Exploratory Study" dans The Challenge of Bric Multinationals., Rob Van Tulder, Alain Verbeke, Jorge Carneiro, Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez Eds, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, chap. 16, pp. 525-558, 2016
BARRON, A., "Lobbyists" dans The SAGE Encyclopedia of Economics and Society., Frederick F. Wherry, Juliet B. Schor Eds, SAGE Publications, Inc., pp. 1046-1048, 2015
BARRON, A., "Exploring how foreign firms select partners in international political alliances" dans Handbook on the geopolitics of business., Joseph Mark S.Munoz Ed., chap. chapitre 15, pp. 213-226, 2013
BARRON, A., "Lobbying" dans Encyclopedia of Business in Today's World., Wankel, Charles Eds, pp. 1018-1019, 2009
BARRON, A. - "Comment les lobbyistes choisissent-ils leurs partenaires ?" - 2014, TBSearch
BARRON, A. - "Bell Pottinger: Crossing ethical lines in pursuit of clients' political interests" - 2025, Centrale des Cas et des Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), Paris
BARRON, A. - "Bell Pottinger : Un lobbying douteux en Afrique du Sud" - 2025, Centrale des Cas et des Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), Paris
BARRON, A., S. DELANOË-GUEGUEN - "Fnac-Darty : Un mariage de raison ?" - 2017, Centrale des Cas et des Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP)
BARRON, A., S. DELANOË-GUEGUEN - "Fnac - Darty: a marriage of convenience" - 2017, Centrale des Cas et des Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP)
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