Département : Droit des Affaires et Management de Ressources Humaines
Assistant Professor
COLLARD, C., "La mutation politique du travail", Question(s) de Management, 2024, vol. 48, no. « L'organisation de demain en question(s) », pp. 165 [fnege: 4]
COLLARD, C., "Revisiting paradoxes in the context of CSR: On the sustainable role of emotions and a “more-than” paradoxical frame" dans 40th EGOS Colloquium, Milan, 2024
COLLARD, C., "Conversing with a potato" dans Conf. Art of Managing Organizations, août, 2024, Nancy
COLLARD, C., "When creating an ecovillage: Understanding meaningfulness dynamics of work on the development of an alternative organization." dans Colloque Organisations de demain, 2023, Reims, France
COLLARD, C., A. ABRANTES, M. PINA E CUHNA, "Reframing the role of emotions in the management of sustainability paradoxes: Paths to ecological transition", EGOS, 2023, Cagliari, Italie
COLLARD, C., "Création d'un écovillage : Comprendre la dynamique de sens au travail dans le développement d'une organisation alternative" dans Conférence RIODD, 2023, Lille, France
COLLARD, C., "Understanding the Dynamics of CSR Deep Meaningfulness in Grassroots Community Enterprise" dans Corporate Responsibility Research Conference (CRRC), (online) octobre,, 2021
COLLARD, C., "Understanding the dynamics of deep meaningfulness when pursuing a double calling: A longitudinal study among individuals of a grassroots community enterprise" dans EGOS Colloquium (online); July,, 2020
COLLARD, C., P. NÈGRE, "Projet citoyen expérimental de développement territorial: Cycles d’apprentissages réciproques dans le dialogue coopératif et l’intégration d’objectifs soutenables" dans 14e congrès du RIODD Développement durable, La Rochelle, Septembre,, 2019
COLLARD, C., M. FORTIN, "When doing your job is “Not Enough”: How corporate social responsibility managers deal with tensions between organizational reality, higher purpose, and their own expectations" dans Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management , Boston, 2019
COLLARD, C., M. FORTIN, "Exploring the Calling Experience of Corporate Social Responsibility Managers through the Frame of Ideology-Infused Contracts" dans EGOS Colloquium Tallinn, July,, 2018
COLLARD, C., "Tensions and Personal Responsibilities When Engaging in a Responsible Career: Focus on CSR Managers and Emotions" dans Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility., Joan Marques, Satinder Dhiman Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 241-258, 2020
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