Département : Droit des Affaires et Management de Ressources Humaines
Assistant Professor
FEIX, A. - "Thèse de doctorat/PhD: A Critical Investigation into the Corporate Social Responsibility Discourse" - 2018, University of Lausanne
FEIX, A., T. FISCHER, "Media Review: The Inhumane History of People-Centered Management Practices", Organization Studies, 2024 [fnege: 1, ft, abs: 4]
GRUBAN, M., A. FEIX, "Facilitating Marketization : Why Stakeholders May Continue to Support Organizations that Introduce Market Practices Violating their Values", Journal of Management Studies, 2024, pp. 1-29 [fnege: 1, ft, abs: 4]
FEIX, A., C. COLLARD, "Teaching the “Friedman vs. Freeman Debate” in a Way That Opens Students' Minds to a Wider Variety of Views on Business Ethics", Journal of Business Ethics Education, 2024, vol. 21, pp. 155-180 [abs: 1]
FEIX, A., G. WERNICKE, "When Is CEO Activism Conducive to the Democratic Process?", Journal of Business Ethics, 2023 [fnege: 1, ft, abs: 3]
FEIX, A., D. PHILIPPE, "Unpacking the Narrative Decontestation of CSR: Aspiration for Change or Defense of the Status Quo?", Business and Society, 2020, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 129-174 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 3]
FEIX, A., M. GRUBAN, "Tackling both Type I and Type II Greenwashing: Towards an Extended Critique of CSR Communication" dans EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies), juillet, 2023, Cagliari, Italie
GRUBAN, M., A. FEIX, T. ROULET, "How do stakeholders of an organization furthering commodification uphold non-market values?" dans HEC Workshop on Digital Data for Research in Organization Studies, avril, 2023, Paris
FEIX, A., D. PHILIPPE, C.-I. ROQUEBERT, "Radical yet persistent: A discourse-historical analysis of critical work immunity" dans conférence EGOS 2022, Vienne, Autriche, 06-09 juillet, 2022
ROQUEBERT, C.-I., D. PHILIPPE, A. FEIX, "Science boundaries in question: an enchanted approach to institutional work" dans 36th European Group for Organisational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium (virtual) - 2-4 Juillet, 2020
FEIX, A., "From reflective to constitutive greenwashing: Towards an extended critique of CSR communication" dans 35th European Group for Organisational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Edinburgh, U.K., 4-6 juillet, 2019
FEIX, A., "Simply Confused or Inherently Contradictory? A Deconstructive Inquiry into the Inner Paradoxes of ‘Diversity’" dans 79th Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Boston, 9-13 août, 2019
FEIX, A., "Greenwashing Revisited: Extending the Critique of CSR Communication" dans 77th Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Atlanta 4-8 août, 2017
FEIX, A., D. PHILIPPE, "Debunking the Inner Contradictions of the CSR Metanarrative" dans 77th Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Atlanta, 4-8 août, 2017
FEIX, A., "Greenwashing extended: Capturing the ideological imprint of CSR communication" dans 33d European Group for Organisational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium , Copenhague, 6-8 juillet, 2017
FEIX, A., "CSR Resources and Capabilities - What are they, after all?" dans 76th Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting , Anaheim, 5-8 août, 2016
FEIX, A., "Capturing the Ideological Imprint of CSR Communication: An Extended Understanding of 'Greenwashing'" dans 76th Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting , Anaheim, 5-9 août, 2016
FEIX, A., "Greenwashing extended: Capturing the ideological imprint of CSR communication" dans 32nd European Group for Organisational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium , Naples, 7-9 juillet, 2016
FEIX, A., B. FAIVRE-TAVIGNOT, "Inclusive Business" dans Encyclopedia of Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion., KLARSFELD, A., S. M. NKOMO, L. TAKSA, A.-F. BENDER, G. CACHAT-ROSSET Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 37, pp. 175-178, 2024
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Cet article complète la littérature essentiellement instrumentale sur l'activisme des PDG et contribue, plus largement, à la littérature qui explore les dimensions normatives de l'engagement politique des entreprises, ainsi qu'à un courant de recherche croissant qui s'appuie sur la théorie philosophique pour éclairer la prise de décision éthique des dirigeants d'entreprise.