Département : Economie-Finance
GERMAIN, L., N. NALPAS, G. BAECHLER - "Banking Consumer Behaviour analysis Synthesis" - 2012, Project for Luxembourg for Finance
GERMAIN, L. - "Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches : "Informations et Marchés Financiers"" - 2005
GERMAIN, L. - "Survey on Corporate Financing: the case of France in Collaboration with Siemens Financial Services and FAZ PRIME Institute (Mainz Germany)" - 2003
BOCO, H., L. GERMAIN, F. ROUSSEAU, "Private Information And Trading Speed", Finance, 2029, vol. Pub. anticipées, no. 0, pp. 130-192 [fnege: 2, abs: 1]
GALY, N., L. GERMAIN, W. LEE, "Market Reaction to the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance", Revue Française de gouvernance d'entreprise, 2021, vol. 22/23, pp. 51-90 [fnege: 4]
BAECHLER, G., L. GERMAIN, "What do we learn about CEOs’ behaviour through neurofinance?", RB Bankers, Markets & Investors, 2021, vol. 164, no. Special issue Behavioral Finance, pp. 39-47 [cnrs: 4]
BOCO, H., L. GERMAIN, F. ROUSSEAU, "When Overconfident Traders Meet Feedback Traders", Finance, 2021, vol. Vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 7-55 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2, abs: 1]
BAECHLER, G., L. GERMAIN, "A literature review on neurofinance", Finance, 2018, vol. 2018/2 (Vol. 39), pp. 9-41 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2]
BOCO, H., L. GERMAIN, F. ROUSSEAU, "Strategic Market Making and Risk Sharing", Journal of Mathematical Finance, 2017, vol. 07, no. 01, pp. 144-179
BOURJADE, S., L. GERMAIN, C. LYON-CAEN, "Conseils d’administration : indépendance, collusion et conflits d’intérêts", Revue Française d'Économie, 2016, vol. XXXI, no. 2, pp. 3-25 [cnrs: 3]
BOCO, H., L. GERMAIN, F. ROUSSEAU, "Heterogeneous noisy beliefs and dynamic competition in financial markets", Economic Modelling, Avril 2016, vol. 54, no. 54, pp. 347-363 [cnrs: 2, abs: 2]
GERMAIN, L., F. ROUSSEAU, A. VANHEMS, "Irrational Market Makers", Finance, Avril 2014, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 107-145 [cnrs: 2, fnege: 2]
GALY, N., L. GERMAIN, D. HILTON, R. MATHES, "In which media are analysts' recommendations most followed?", RB Bankers, Markets & Investors, Novembre 2014, no. 133, pp. 34-46
GERMAIN, L., N. GALY, W. LEE, "Corporate governance reform in Malaysia: Board size, independence and monitoring", Journal of Economics and Business, Septembre 2014, vol. 75, pp. 126-162 [abs: 2]
GERMAIN, L., B. KLUGER, C. PUNGULESCU, D. STOLIN, D. WEAVER, "Intra-Dealer Integration", European Financial Management, Septembre 2010, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 507-527 [cnrs: 3, abs: 3]
GERMAIN, L., R. DRIDI, "Noise and Competition in Strategic Oligopoly", Journal of Financial Intermediation, Mars 2009, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 311-327 [cnrs: 2, abs: 3]
GERMAIN, L., "Strategic Noise in Competitive Markets for the Sale of Information", Journal of Financial Intermediation, Avril 2005, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 179-209
DRIDI, R., L. GERMAIN, "Bullish Bearish Strategies of Trading: A Non Linear Equilibrium", Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Décembre 2004
GERMAIN, L., "High Speed of Learning in Financial Markets", Finance, Décembre 2003, vol. 24, pp. 79-86
BIAIS, B., L. GERMAIN, "Incentive Compatible Contracts for the Sale of Information", Review of Financial Studies, Juillet 2002, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 987-1003
GERMAIN, L., "Efficience des Marchés Financiers", Les Echos, Mars 1998, vol. special issue
GERMAIN, L., "Market efficiency : A mirror for information", Financial Times, Mai 1997, vol. Special issue
GERMAIN, L., "Positive anticipatory emotions for becoming a millionaire: a neurofinance experiment" dans 40th Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI), mai, 2024, Lille, France
BOCO, H., G. BAECHLER, L. GERMAIN, C. LYON-CAEN, "Sustainable corporate boards with employee representation " dans Conférence ICFBA, 2023, Montpellier, France
GERMAIN, L., H. BOCO, F. ROUSSEAU, "High Frequency Trading: Strategic Competition Between Slow and Fast Traders" dans 26th Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society, Jerusalem School of Business Administration, Jerusalem, Israel, June 30 - July 3, 2019
BOURJADE, S., L. GERMAIN, "Executive Compensation, Monitoring and Collusion in Boards of Directors" dans 18th annual Meeting , 11-13 july, Paris, Meeting of the association for public economy theory, 2017
FU, J., D. LACOSTE, L. GERMAIN, S. NICHOLAS, E. MAITLAND, "Emerging Market Business Groups: Diversification and Internationalization of Qiye Jituan" dans AIB 2017 Annual Meeting, Dubai, UAE, 2-5/07/2017, Academy of International Business, 2017, Dubaï
GERMAIN, L., N. GALY, W. LEE, "Market reaction to the malaysian code on corporate governance" dans Conference Financial and Corporate Governance, Avril, 2014, Brisbane, Australie
FU, J., D. LACOSTE, L. GERMAIN, "Diversification, Internationalization and Institutional Context" dans AOM Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida 9-13/08/2013, AOM Annual Conference, 2013, Orlando, Etats-Unis d'Amérique
BAECHLER, G., L. GERMAIN, N. NALPAS, "Risk aversion, asset allocation and the role of banks around financial crisis" dans Conférence IFABS, Juin, 2013, Nottingham, Royaume Uni
BAECHLER, G., L. GERMAIN, N. NALPAS, "Risk aversion, asset allocation and the role of banks around financial crisis" dans International Conference FEBS, Juin, 2013, Paris, France
BOURJADE, S., L. GERMAIN, "Optimal monitoring and collusion in board of directors" dans Finance Workshop, Juin, 2013, Toulouse, France
BOCO, H., L. GERMAIN, F. ROUSSEAU, "Heterogeneous beliefs and imperfect competition in sequential auction markets" dans Conférence des Grandes Ecoles Essec, Février, 2013, Paris, France
BOURJADE, S., L. GERMAIN, "Optimal Monitoring and Collusion in Board of Directors" dans Congrès EARIE, 2012, Rome, Italie
BOCO, H., L. GERMAIN, F. ROUSSEAU, "When overconfident traders meet feedback traders" dans AFFI - The 28th annual International Conference of the French Finance Association, 2011, Montpellier, France
BOCO, H., L. GERMAIN, F. ROUSSEAU, "When overconfident traders meet feedback traders" dans Séminaire Inter-Business Schools, 2011, Rouen, France
BOCO, H., L. GERMAIN, F. ROUSSEAU, "When overconfident traders meet feedback traders" dans Midwest Finance Association, 2011, Chicago, Etats-Unis d'Amérique
GALY, N., L. GERMAIN, "Media coverage of analysts' recommandations and firm share prices" dans AFFI, 2011, Montpellier, France
BOCO, H., L. GERMAIN, F. ROUSSEAU, "Strategic market making and risk sharing" dans EFMA, 2010, Aarhus, Danemark
BOCO, H., L. GERMAIN, F. ROUSSEAU, "Strategic market making and risk sharing" dans Association française de finance, 2010, St Malo, France
GALY, N., L. GERMAIN, "Media Coverage of Analysts' Recommendations and firm Share Prices" dans ATINER, 2010, Athènes, Grèce
NALPAS, N., L. GERMAIN, A. VANHEMS, "Hedge funds performance appraisal: a comparison of different nonparametric approaches" dans International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS 2008), 2008, Sandton, Afrique du Sud
GALY, N., L. GERMAIN, "Market competition and share prices: the case of the Airbus-Boeing duopoly" dans The European financial management association, 2008, Athènes, Grèce
NALPAS, N., L. GERMAIN, A. VANHEMS, "Hedge Funds Performance : A non Parametric Approach" dans 47 ème Congrès de la SCSE, 2007, Québec, Canada
GABILLON, J.-C., L. GERMAIN, "Optimal Dynamic Financial Policy" dans Conférence de l'AFFI, 2007, Bordeaux, France
GALY, N., L. GERMAIN, "Product market competition and share value : the Airbus-Boeing duopoly" dans Conférence de l'Association Française de Finance, 2007, Bordeaux, France
GALY, N., L. GERMAIN, "Product market competition and share value : the Airbus-Boeing duopoly" dans Cahier de Recherche, 2007, Toulouse, France
GERMAIN, L., F. ROUSSEAU, A. VANHEMS, "Optimistic and Pessimistic Trading in Financial Markets" dans Conférence de l'European Financial Management Association, 2006, Durham, Royaume Uni
GERMAIN, L., F. ROUSSEAU, "Strategic Market Making and Risk Sharing" dans European Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, 2006, Madrid, Espagne
GALY, N., L. GERMAIN, D. HILTON, R. MATHE, "Recommandations sur les titres, média et valeur de marché." dans Congrès International AFFI (Association Française de Finance), 2006, Poitiers, France
GERMAIN, L., F. ROUSSEAU, "Strategic Market Making and Risk Sharing" dans Paper accepted at the Australiasian Finance Conference, 2005, Sydney, Australie
GALY, N., L. GERMAIN, D. HILTON, R. MATHE, "Recommandations sur les titres, média et valeur de marché." dans Financial analysis : New challenges., 2005, Boulogne sur Mer, France
DRIDI, R., L. GERMAIN, "Noise and Competition in Strategic Oligopoly", Groupe ESC Toulouse, 2004, Toulouse, France
GERMAIN, L., "Strategic Noise in Competitive Markets for the Sale of Information", Les Cahiers de la Finance, 2004, Toulouse, France
GERMAIN, L., J.-F. VERDIE, J.-M. DECAUDIN, "L’Evaluation Financière de la Marque" dans Les ateliers de l’ANVIE, Mai, 2003, Paris, France
GERMAIN, L., "Risk Averse Strategic Market Makers", Juin, 2002, Strasbourg, France
GERMAIN, L., "Strategic Noise in Competitive Markets for the Sale of Information", INSEAD, 2001, Paris, France
DRIDI, R., L. GERMAIN, "Noise and Competition in a Strategic Oligopoly" dans Western Finance Association, SFS,, Juin, 2001, Tucson, Arizona, Etats-Unis d'Amérique
DRIDI, R., L. GERMAIN, "Noise and Competition in a Strategic Oligopoly", Novembre, 2001
DRIDI, R., L. GERMAIN, "Noise and Competition in a Strategic Oligopoly" dans Financial Markets Group Finance Seminar, Juin, 2001, Londres, Royaume Uni
DRIDI, R., L. GERMAIN, "Noise and Competition in Strategic Oligopoly", Groupe ESC Toulouse, 2001, Toulouse, France
DRIDI, R., L. GERMAIN, "Noise and Competition in a Strategic Oligopoly" dans American Finance Association, Janvier, 2001, New Orleans, Etats-Unis d'Amérique
GERMAIN, L., "Strategic Noise in Competitive Markets for the Sale of Information", London Business School, 2000, Londres, Royaume Uni
GERMAIN, L., "Noise and Competition in a Strategic Oligopoly", Juin, 2000, Toulouse
GERMAIN, L., "Bullish Bearish Non Linear Strategies of Trading" dans European Commission Conference, Mai, 2000, Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Espagne
DRIDI, R., L. GERMAIN, "Bullish Bearish Non Linear Strategies of Trading" dans Finance Seminar, Avril, 2000, Athens
DRIDI, R., L. GERMAIN, "Noise and Competition in a Strategic Oligopoly" dans Finance Seminar, Octobre, 2000, Paris, France
DRIDI, R., L. GERMAIN, "Bullish Bearish Non Linear Strategies of Trading" dans World Congress of the Econometric Society, Août, 2000, Seattle, Etats-Unis d'Amérique
GERMAIN, L., "Incentive Compatible Contracts for the Sale of Information", Janvier, 2000, Boston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique
GERMAIN, L., "High Speeds of Learning in Financial Markets", Association Française de Finance, 1999, Aix en Provence, France
GERMAIN, L., "Incentive Compatible Contracts for the Sale of Information" dans TMR Meeting, European Commission Conference, Février, 1999, Royaume Uni
GERMAIN, L., "Strategic Noise in Competitive Markets for the Sale of Information", European University Institute of Florence, 1999, Florence, Italie
GERMAIN, L., "Strategic Noise in Competitive Markets for the Sale of Information", London School of Economics, 1999, Royaume Uni
GERMAIN, L., "High Speeds of Learning in Financial Markets", EEA (European Economic Association), 1999, Saint Jacques de Compostelle, Espagne
GERMAIN, L., "High Speeds of Learning in Financial Markets" dans Oxford Finance Seminar, Oxford University, 1999, Oxford, Royaume Uni
GERMAIN, L., "Strategic Noise in Competitive Markets for the Sale of Information", London Business School, 1999
GERMAIN, L., "Strategic Noise in Competitive Markets for the Sale of Information", Université de Lille, 1998
GERMAIN, L., "Incentive Compatible Contracts for the Sale of Information" dans IFA Finance Seminar, Avril, 1998, Londres, Royaume Uni
GERMAIN, L., "Incentive Compatible Contracts for the Sale of Information" dans Finance Seminar, Avril, 1998, Paris, France
GERMAIN, L., "Incentive Compatible Contracts for the Sale of Information" dans FMG Seminar, Janvier, 1998, Londres, Royaume Uni
GERMAIN, L., "Incentive Compatible Contracts for the Sale of Information" dans Séminaire d'Economie, 1998, Toulouse, France
GERMAIN, L., "Strategic Noise in Competitive Markets for the Sale of Information" dans European Economic Association, 1998, Berlin, Allemagne
GERMAIN, L., "Strategic Noise in Competitive Markets for the Sale of Information", Econometric Society European Meeting, 1998, Berlin, Allemagne
GERMAIN, L., "Incentive Compatible Contracts for the Sale of Information", Janvier, 1997, Toulouse, France
GERMAIN, L., E. BONHOURE, "1.7. Corporate governance in France (2008-2016)" dans Corporate Governance: New Challenges and Opportunities., Alexander N. Kostyuk, Udo Braendle, Vincenzo Capizzi Eds, Virtus Interpress, chap. 1, 2017
GABILLON, J.-C., L. GERMAIN, N. NALPAS, "The financial crisis and the credit derivatives pricing models" dans Rethinking Valuation and Pricing Models., Wehn & Hoppe & Gregoriou Ed., pp. 147-176, 2012
GERMAIN, L., N. NALPAS, A. VANHEMS, "Non-parametric hedge funds and replication indices performance analysis : a robust directional application" dans Hedge Funds Replication., Greg N.Gregoriou et Maher Kooli Ed., pp. 90-105, 2011
GERMAIN, L., F. ROUSSEAU, A. VANHEMS, "Strategic Financial Intermediaries with Brokerage Activities" dans Handbook of Trading., Greg N. Gregoriou Ed., chap. Ch 26, pp. 389-402, 2010
GERMAIN, L., "L’efficience des marchés, indice de la transparence" dans L’art de la Finance., pp. 124-125, 1998
GERMAIN, L., "Market Efficiency : A Mirror for Information" dans Mastering Finance., pp. 160-162, 1998
BAECHLER, G., H. BOCO, L. GERMAIN - "De la vertu des mesures anti-OPA" - 2020, Les Echos
GERMAIN, L., G. BAECHLER - "La neurofinance explique l'irrationalité des marchés" - 2018, Forbes
GERMAIN, L., H. BOCO - "Les conséquences du trading à haute fréquence sur les marchés financiers" - 2017, Analyse financière
GERMAIN, L., A. VANHEMS - "Bulles et irrationalité : une affaire de traders ?" - 2015, TBSearch
GERMAIN, L., N. NALPAS - "Comment la finance est-elle enseignée à TBS ?" - 2014, Finance Grandes Ecoles et Universités
GERMAIN, L. - "L'impact de la crise sur le comportement des investisseurs décrypté scientifiquement par des chercheurs de TBS" - 2014, Le Journal des Grandes Ecoles et Universités
GERMAIN, L., A. VANHEMS - "Les market makers ne se comprtent pas toujours rationnellement" - 2014, TBSearch
GERMAIN, L., "Quel avenir pour le Trading Haute Fréquence ?" Les Matinales de la recherche. Juin 2017, Paris
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