Département : Information, Opérations et Sciences de la Décision
MITRAILLE, S. - "Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Essais en organisation industrielle" - 2017, Toulouse
MITRAILLE, S. - "Thèse : "Stratégies de stockage et de vente à terme en concurrence oligopolistique"" - 2001
MITRAILLE, S., H. THILLE, "Forward contracting and the endogenous activity of heterogeneous firms", Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2024, pp. 1-36 [fnege: 2, abs: 2]
BERNARD, C., S. MITRAILLE, "Outsourcing horizontally differentiated tasks under asymmetric information", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2023, vol. 89 [abs: 3]
MITRAILLE, S., H. THILLE, "Strategic advance sales, demand uncertainty and overcommitment", Economic Theory, 2020, vol. 69(3), pp. 789-828 [cnrs: 1, abs: 3]
GROUT, P. A., S. MITRAILLE, S. SONDEREGGER, "The costs and benefits of coordinating with a different group", Journal of Economic Theory, Novembre 2015, vol. 160, pp. 517-535 [cnrs: 1, abs: 4]
MITRAILLE, S., H. THILLE, "Speculative storage in imperfectly competitive markets", International Journal of Industrial Organization, Juillet 2014, vol. 35, pp. 44-59 [cnrs: 1, abs: 3]
MITRAILLE, S., M. MOREAUX, "Inventories and endogenous stackelberg leadership in two-period cournot oligopoly", Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Novembre 2013, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 852-874 [cnrs: 1, fnege: 1, abs: 3]
BILLARD, O., M. IVALDI, S. MITRAILLE, "Evaluation of the risks of collective dominance in the audit industry in france", European Competition Journal, Août 2011, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 349-378
MITRAILLE, S., H. THILLE, "Monopoly behaviour with speculative storage", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2009, vol. 33, no. 7, pp. 1451-1468 [cnrs: 2, abs: 3]
MITRAILLE, S., "Comportements microéconomiques de stockage et de vente à terme état de l'analyse économique", Revue d'Économie Politique, 2003, vol. 113, no. 5, pp. 649-669
MITRAILLE, S., H. THILLE, "Forward contracting, demand volatility, and allocative efficiency, mimeo." dans International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC), mai, 2024, Boston
BERNARD, C., S. MITRAILLE, "Overbuying, demand withholding, and single sourcing under decreasing returns, mimeo." dans Society for Advances in Economic Theory (SAET), janvier, 2024, Santiago, Chile
MITRAILLE, S., H. THILLE, "Forward trading, demand volatility and allocative efficiency" dans Lisbon Meetings on Game Theory and Applications, 2023, Lisbonne
MITRAILLE, S., H. THILLE, "Forward trading, demand volatility and allocative efficiency" dans Oligoworkshop, 2023, Padova, Italie
MITRAILLE, S., H. THILLE, "Forward trading, demand volatility and allocative efficiency" dans EARIE, 2023, Rome, Italie
MITRAILLE, S., C. BERNARD, "Single sourcing from a supplier with unknown efficiency and capa" dans Conférence CEA 2022, OTTAWA, Canada, 02-04 juin, 2022
MITRAILLE, S., C. BERNARD, "Single sourcing from a supplier with unknown efficiency and capacity" dans 42ème Conférence ASSET, Marseille, 10-12 octobre, 2021
MITRAILLE, S., C. BERNARD, "Single sourcing from a supplier with unknown efficiency and capacity" dans INFORMS 2021 Annual Meeting (virtual), Anaheim, USA 24-27 octobre, 2021
MITRAILLE, S., C. BERNARD, "Single sourcing from a supplier with unknown efficiency and capacity" dans 19th Annual International Industrial Organization Conference (visio), 30 mai-02 juin, 2021
BERNARD, C., S. MITRAILLE, "Outsource (some of) what do you do best, to better outsource the rest." dans Conférence INFORMS, 20-23 octobre, 2019, Seattle, USA
MITRAILLE, S., C. BERNARD, "Outsource (some of) what do you do best, to better outsource the rest." dans Lisbon Meetings in Game theory & applications, 07-09 nov, 2019, Lisbonne, Portugal
MITRAILLE, S., H. THILLE, "Strategic advance sales, demand uncertainty and overcommitment" dans Commodity Markets Winter Workshop, Nantes, 22-23/02/2018, 2018
MITRAILLE, S., H. THILLE, "Strategic advance sales, demand uncertainty and overcommitment" dans Conférence Canadian Economic Association, Montréal, 1-3/06/2018, 2018
MITRAILLE, S., H. THILLE, "Strategic advance sales, demand uncertainty and overcommitment." dans Royal Economic Society, Bristol, 21-22/03/2017, 2017, Bristol
MITRAILLE, S., H. THILLE, "Imperfect competition with competitive speculation" dans EEA - ESEM, 2011, Oslo, Norvège
MITRAILLE, S., H. THILLE, "Imperfect Competition with Competitive Speculation" dans North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society, 2011, Saint-Louis, Etats-Unis d'Amérique
MITRAILLE, S., H. THILLE, "Imperfect Competition with Competitive Speculation" dans EARIE, 2010, Istanbul, Turquie
MITRAILLE, S., H. THILLE, "The impact of speculation on oligopolistic behavior" dans International Industrial Organization Conference, 2009, Boston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique
BERNARD, C., S. MITRAILLE, "Outsourcing added value operations under asymmetric information" dans Canadian Economic Association conference, 2009, Toronto, Canada
MITRAILLE, S., H. THILLE, "Storage and Market Power" dans ESEM Conférence, 2007, Budapest, Hongrie
MITRAILLE, S., H. THILLE, "Monopoly and Competitive Storage" dans 5th International Industrial Organization Conference, 2007, Savannah, Etats-Unis d'Amérique
MITRAILLE, S., P. A. GROUT, S. SONDEREGGER, "Cohesion and Self-Bias in Societies" dans Canadian Economic Association Conference, 2007, Halifax, Canada
MITRAILLE, S., H. THILLE, "Monopoly and Competitive Strorage" dans Econometric Society European Meeting, 2007, Budapest, Hongrie
MITRAILLE, S., P. A. GROUT, S. SONDEREGGER, "Cohesion and Self-bias in Societies" dans 5th International Industrial Organization Conference, 2007, Savannah, Etats-Unis d'Amérique
MITRAILLE, S., P. A. GROUT, S. SONDEREGGER, "Cohesion and Self-bias in Societies" dans Econometric Society European Meeting, 2006, Vienna, Autriche
MITRAILLE, S., H. THILLE, "Monopoly and Competitive Storage" dans Canadian Economic Association Conference, 2006, Montréal, Canada
MITRAILLE, S., M. MOREAUX, "Inventories and endogenous Stackelberg hierarchy in two-period Cournot oligopolistic competition" dans Econometric Society European Meeting, 2006, Vienna, Autriche
GROUT, P. A., S. MITRAILLE, S. SONDEREGGER, "Cohesion and Self-bias in Societies" dans Séminaire Université de Birmingham, 2006, Birmingham, Royaume Uni
GROUT, P. A., S. MITRAILLE, S. SONDEREGGER, "Cohesion and Self-bias in Societies" dans Summer School sur "Economic Analysis of Heterogeneity in Social Organizations", 2006, Louvain, Belgique
MITRAILLE, S., S. SONDEREGGER, P. A. GROUT, "Cohesion and Self-bias in Societies" dans Public Economic Meeting, 2006, Exeter, Royaume Uni
MITRAILLE, S., M. MOREAUX, "Inventories and endogenous Stackelberg hierarchy in two-period Cournot oligopolistic competition" dans Canadian Economic Association Conference, 2006, Montréal, Canada
MITRAILLE, S., M. MOREAUX, "Inventories and endogenous Stackelberg hierarchy in two-period Cournot oligopolistic competition" dans Conférence de l'ASSET (Association of Southern European Economic Theorists), 2006, Lisbonne, Portugal
GROUT, P. A., S. MITRAILLE, S. SONDEREGGER, "Cohesion and Self-bias in Societies" dans Séminaire Université de Bristol, 2005, Bristol, Royaume Uni
MITRAILLE, S., H. THILLE, "Speculative Constraints on Oligopoly" dans Advances in Dynamic and Evolutionary Games., Frank Thuijsman, Florian Wagener Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 229-248, 2016
IVALDI, M., S. MITRAILLE, C. MULLER, "Testing for the presence of a Maverick in the French Audit Industry" dans Recent Advances in the Analysis of Competition Policy and Regulation., J.E Harrington Jr, Y.Katsoulacos Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 75-94, 2012
LAVIGNE, S., S. MITRAILLE - "STARBUCKS - 'coffee shop' devenu industriel du café : un succès durable ?" - 2009, Centrale des Cas et des Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP)
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Cet article se penche sur un cas spécifique où les tâches sont différenciées horizontalement et où l'avantage comparatif en termes de coûts marginaux varie tout au long du processus de production.